Thursday, 10 July 2014

Surgeon Simulator 2013

Hey guys, Lgamerross here! Today, I will review Surgeon Simulator 2013.

Surgeon Simulator is a game, where you are a surgeon named Nigel Burke, and you perform different types of transplants, including one that will never happen, a brain transplant, on the same patient, Bob.

The controls are kind of tough, it takes a bit of time to get used to, dropping your new heart on the floor, apparently is impossible to pick up, so if you drop anything, you're screwed. Just plain screwed.

The game has a decent price, $9.99 US. There is also an iPad version of the game, for $5.99 US.

You can also do transplants in an ambulance, and space, which kind of triggers your difficulty, I seriously hate it when Bobs heart flies too high for me to reach.

A little note before I leave, I want to say that I haven't posted in about a month and a half, I kind of have been running out of ideas, I may do stuff other than reviews.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day. Peace out!

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