Saturday, 26 July 2014

Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe

Hey guys, Lgamerross here, so today, I am going to review Mortal Kombat vs. Dc Universe.

MK vs DC is a fighting game, where the worlds of Mortal Kombat and the DC clash together, and the emperor Shao Kahn and ultra-villain Darkseids forge together, making someone called "Dark Kahn".

The game has that little "arcade mode", where you advance onto other characters, but there is also a story mode, you can pick sides, between the two worlds, which I think is dumb, at the end, the object is the same. There should have been one long story mode, alternating MK and DC characters.

The graphics are astonishing, everything is really cool, however, the blood is poorly animated, it's just more of a red gas that floats for 1.5 seconds.

There are these "Kombo Challenges", where you perform 10 combos with each character, the first and second ones are easy, but then they get really hard. And by really hard, I mean impossible, You can fist someone in the air, and suddenly, you need to send some flying bolt at your opponent, you hit them crazy fast, but you must need INSTANT accuracy to do it after your cool down of the air-punching.

That's it for today, guys. I probably will start to rate games out of 10, so in my opinion, I will rate Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, a 7/10.

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